Monday, October 5, 2009

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs are often described as some type of online journal, which is normally updated daily, weekly, or even monthly. This is created and edited by one single author.

A wiki, on the other hand are documents created with the intention of it being updated by several people around the world.

Compare and Contrast:
Blogs are known to mainly be more subjective than factual. The author creates a document based on their opinion and posts based on a specific timeline. Whereas, with a wiki the timeline isn't so important as the actual facts being updated as they see fit. Generally, information changes and should be updated to alert your audience. Wikis also have the ability to host a blog, but not viceversa.

I believe that both blogs and wikis are a great ways to get information distributed in a timely fashion. Besides blogs mainly being used for entertainment purposes, it is also very helpful for education and skill-building. It has been the most convenient way for many to "catch up" on things that may have been missed throughout the day/week.

I believe using wiki pages for telecommuters at work would be a great idea. I work in an office where several people telecommute and it becomes a bit difficult to keep up. Many times documents are moved, saved, etc... without the proper finalization. Staff are editing documents that aren't the right version, which then puts the team back to retrace steps and it all becomes a waste of time and energy for all.

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