Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blackberry...the Social Networking TAKEOVER?!?!‏

Is it just a faze? I think NOT! Blackberry phones were once used only for business purposes, but now everyone owns one. The question is why? Why this phone over all of the other phone types available? Social Networking is the answer! The blackberry has allowed all of the ages to look "important" but it also seems to be the easiest way to connect with all of the networking sites and applications.

I, myself, owns a blackberry, but only purchased it years ago with the intent of furthering my event planning business. Unfortunately, I can't survive more than just a few minutes without it. I sleep with it at my side, I wake up in the middle of the night to check if I've missed anything, I even take it in the bathroom with me. When the phone dies I just lose my mind; I have to immediately find an outlet to charge it or go home ASAP!

I find myself texting, instant messaging, and emailing as a primary form of communication to all of my sources. It's sad, but true. I've even had to lower my voice plan service as months have gone by with me only using maybe 300 to 400 minutes when before this came about it was more like 3000 minutes that were needed.

By this point, I'm wondering if you see what I see??? Besides the blackberry being a great way to communicate and many different ways it is also has a downside. Since there are so many ways of communicating, by using all of these forms of communications that are non-verbal takes out the "love" of the conversation. There are people that I haven't spoken to in months but have communicated through one of the above mentioned forms. The main downside to this is everyone may not be on the same page where they use this way of communicating as a primary source, so at times, you seem to be distant. Other times written communication often times are misinterpreted.

With that said, don't let all of the "new wave" forms of communication keep you away from your friends and family so much that there's a disconnect without verbal forms. I had fallen victim, but often try to pick up the phone and just CALL every chance I get. Don't be like me!

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