Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Privacy & Confidentiality

When using the World Wide Web you are putting a part of yourself on the "front page" of the universe. So should you expect privacy or for much for be confidential? I think not!

How could the same place you go to find information about every and any thing not have your info too? Doesn't make sense does it? You put the info there, right? Ok! Someone will be able to find it if they tried hard enough. I know for me, when I'm looking for something on the internet, I try and I try until I find it. It's there! It has to be there I tell myself. Low and behold....it appears!

So just remember, don't put anything on the internet that you wouldn't want the public to see. That goes from name, address, phone, credit card info, etc...

I use many websites to purchase items and my credit card info is supplied. However, I try to use "trustworthy" websites so I don't have to worry too much about the hackers. At the same time, I always remind myself that there IS a possibility that someone can still get this info. Lucky for me, the won't get too far! :)

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