Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Privacy & Confidentiality

When using the World Wide Web you are putting a part of yourself on the "front page" of the universe. So should you expect privacy or for much for be confidential? I think not!

How could the same place you go to find information about every and any thing not have your info too? Doesn't make sense does it? You put the info there, right? Ok! Someone will be able to find it if they tried hard enough. I know for me, when I'm looking for something on the internet, I try and I try until I find it. It's there! It has to be there I tell myself. Low and behold....it appears!

So just remember, don't put anything on the internet that you wouldn't want the public to see. That goes from name, address, phone, credit card info, etc...

I use many websites to purchase items and my credit card info is supplied. However, I try to use "trustworthy" websites so I don't have to worry too much about the hackers. At the same time, I always remind myself that there IS a possibility that someone can still get this info. Lucky for me, the won't get too far! :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Next New Thing

Underground communication...

Don't you just hate when you're in the train station or on the train and can't make or received a phone call/email/text message? Ugh! It's just the worst ever. How about wanting to listen to the radio while there? Wouldn't it be so great to be able to do these things?

If a new gadget could be produced to allow communication with the "ground level" people it would be incredible.

I'm not an inventor so I'm not sure how/if it could be done, but this is AMERICA!! We can get access to anything in the world. So hopefully someone will look into this sooner than later. Either way, I think its brilliant!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Advice to Baruch College

When Baruch College created the text to students for emergencies I thought it was the most brilliant idea made to man. That was until there was an actual emergency and I was contacted though I was a subscriber to this feature. So you begin to wonder what other features would improve this college?

How about the choice between in-school or virtual learning? Classes would be conducted at a particular hour and you would have the choice of joining/participating via satellite or in-school. Hmmm...I'm sure you're thinking that everyone would just do it from home/work and not come in, but I don't think so.

I've spoken to many students who are not capable of having the discipline to work from home. They say that they wouldn't pay attention like they would if the professor was in front of their faces. A person like me believes the total opposite; as I concentrate better when I'm not forced to travel (out of my way) and sit in an uncomfortable seat for 2 - 3 hours.

So, my advice would be to provide more virtual courses for Baruch students. This would benefit all of the students who have chose to attend Baruch over any of the other options. Some people live far while others don't have childcare but both want to participate.

Sounds like a plan to me!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My New Media Class - So Far

What kinds of technologies are part of the new media?

The business of new media uses various forms of technology (mainly through the internet) to promote its services and/or products such as: television, radio, advertising and marketing, software, etc...

How important is the Internet to the new media?
The internet used to be most valuable to online sales but, I believe social networking, distance learning, marketing/advertising and entertainment now plays a key role. Over the past five years companies such as MySpace, Facebook and YouTube have become million and billion dollar (in YouTube's case) companies. Therefore, the internet allows enormous room for opportunity where many types of companies can now be created and benefited from.

Why and how are the new media replacing and / or enhancing the old media?
In 2008, the most widely-used form of media was network TV news (CBS, ABC, NBC) for adult entertainment and is "still used by the highest percentage of adult Internet users, with local newspapers and local TV news occupying the 2nd and 3rd positions, respectively." -eMarketer